Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Reaction on Gattaca

We are in the unit Ethics right now in my GT class. Before we left for Christmas break we watched the movie Gattaca. It was very different than any other movie I have ever watched. The movie was about choosing your child's genes that would determine their characteristics in life. In the movie there was a person named Vincent Freeman who was born naturally without any superior genes. His father was going to name him Anton, which is after his own name, but then the nurse told him and his wife that their child has 99% chance of heart disease. That is why he decided to name him Vincent. Couple years later they had another kid. They chose his genes before he was born so that he wouldn't have any diseases or genetically transmitted issues. This made him superior to Vincent so their dad decided to name him Anton. Vincent and Anton would always play a game called chicken, in this game they would swim off the shore to see who can swim further. Of course Anton would always win because he was genetically superior to Vincent. Vincent always had a dream to go out into space, but he wasn't genetically superior. He kept trying to become an astronaut, but he couldn't and had to look for a job and became a janitor because he was an underclass human and was useful only for menial jobs. But one day a stranger meets Vincent and takes him to a man named Jerome Morrow. Jerome was genetically superior, also known as a valid who was an ex- sports champion, but is crippled. He no longer cared about his life because he had already tried to kill himself once and he wanted to give Vincent an oppurtunity. Then Vincent takes Jerome's physical appearance to resemble Jerome. Jerome gives Vincent his blood, urine, hair, and skin samples. Then Vincent goes to the Gattaca which is where Jerome worked. He uses Jerome's urine and blood samples so that he can be known as a "valid". A valid is someone who is genetically superior to people who are born normally because a valid's genes and characteristics were chosen before he/she was born. Vincent keeps Jerome's identity, but then a person gets murdered in Gattaca and Vincent is scared that he will get caught and even though he didn't commit the crime, since he isn't valid he will be held guilty. He never gets caught, but near the end of the movie his brother who is a police officer finds out that he is really Vincent and they play chicken again and this time Vincent wins and when Anton asks Vincent how he's doing it, Vincent says a great quote; "I didn't save any for the way back". This shows that he uses all his energy into swimming out, but doesn't save any for the way back. Then when Vincent is about to go to Saturn's moon called Titan the doctor at Gattaca finds out that he is not valid, but makes the computer say valid so that Vincent can fulfill his dream.

Im my opinion this movie was kind of boring. It was differnt, but wasn't interesting to me. I'm not too interested in cloning and reproduction of  babies by picking their genes and characteristics before hand. The story was a little dry as well, so overall the movie wasn't that good, but I did get an idea of what could happen in the future.

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