Wednesday, December 14, 2011


In my GT class we are learning about ethics, morals, and values. Yesterday we took a survey to find out what our own values are. In the survey we had to check anything that is important to us. Then we pick our top 5. Then we go on the back and see what each number means to see our most important values.

Mine were:
- Appearance, Beauty, Approval
- Love, Friendship, Personal closeness
- Health, Personal saftey, Security
- Family, Love, Emotional security
- Financial security, Money, Status

I truly believe that these five values describe me perfectly. I am a guy, but I really care about my appearance to others. I always need to look good, so in the morning sometimes I spend five more minutes doing my hair rahter than eating breakfast which my mom made for me. I always want to look perfect, with my hair perfectly gelled up and my clothes looking good. I definetly value love and friendship because I love my friends, especially my really close friends, I will love them for life. I value health and personal saftey because if I am healthy, I will be able to do anything without taking precautions. I need personal saftey so I don't get hurt or jumped and injured. I value family alot. I love my family more than anything and always will. They support me so much and are always there for me sacrificing their time and things for me. They get everything for me and help me whenever I need them. I value emotional security because if I am emotionaly stable this would help keep diseases away and I would be joyful and helpful to to others. Financial security is very valuable to me. I want to be very rich when I grow up. I want to have an amazing house, great cars, and give my family everything. Especially my parents who won't ask for anything, but I want to give them everything they would want.

This value survey was perfectly accurate. It 100% described my values and I am surprised that it was so accurate. I really enjoyed doing this survey because it was fun and I got to better see my values and I like doing surveys like these.

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