Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Delaying Kindergarten

This article is very shocking to me. I do agree that schools do make you smarter. I don't think that delaying kindergarten will help a child. I think that if they start to learn earlier, they will become smarter earlier and will grow up and could even start making money earlier! Children who have a delayed start to school will be at a disadvantage to others. Parents would like to provide the best environment for their children and delaying school isn't the right support. Parents who want to give their young children an academic advantage have a powerful tool: school itself. In a large-scale study at 26 Canadian elementary schools, first graders who were young for their year made considerably more progress in reading and math than kindergartners who were old for their year (but just two months younger). This shows that delaying school isn't helpful, instead starting early would be more helpful because you learn new things at school to help you excel and know more than the kids in the grades under you. I strongly belive starting school early is much better than delaying it.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Meeting someone new

My name is Yash and I am in 9th grade. My favorite subjects at school are Gym, Lunch, and GT. I like to learn about sports facts and records set by all-stars. In my free time I like to play sports, playing video games, watching TV, and hanging out with my friends. I love to watch football, basketball, baseball, and soccer. My favorite teams are Dallas Cowboys, New York Knicks, New York Yankees, and FC Barcelona! I don't know what I want to be yet when I get older. The things that make me happy are cracking jokes and messing around with my friends and seeing my favorite sports teams win!